Three Best Kept Secrets for Overcoming Insomnia Tonight


Many of my friends have been coming to me seeking insomnia remedies.  So I’ve been researching on their behalf scouring through the Internet and looking for the best tips for overcoming insomnia as well as interviewing people on what has and hasn’t worked.  I have come across everything from sticking yourself with needles to taking ice baths before bed.  The good news is I have found three simple, proven, and most importantly sensible  sleeping remedies guaranteed to get you back to cutting logs in no time!

Tip One, Allow Ninjas to Sneak Up on You

Ever have a friend that could literally sleep through the house falling down yet you can hear the most stealthy Ninja tiptoe through your room?  Contrary to popular belief sleeping like a log isn’t an envious quality .  What is envious, is being able to keep your sleeping conditions quiet, dark, and uninterrupted.  Evidence shows regardless of how deeply you sleep noise and light still has an effect on your slumber.

From my experience the best sleep aid is a pair of ear plugs and an eye mask.  They eliminate a majority of the pesky interruptions that keep us from that rejuvenating slumber.  It takes some time to adjust to them though so stick with it.  After a couple weeks you won’t even notice they are there while you sleep like a baby.

Tip Two, Kill the Snack Attack

Your metabolism is constantly burning, body constantly growing, and hormones constantly raging.  It’s vital we keep the fire fed at all times.  Sleep is no exception.  I am sure you can recall an instance where you woke up hungry and couldn’t go back to bed until you ate.  That’s because your metabolism became nutrient deprived and had to wake you up before it went all Chernobyl on you.

Now eating before bed seems to conflict with popular belief that we should taper our meals as the day goes on.  Well actually what needs to be limited are not the necessarily meals we eat but the carbohydrates as carbohydrates are like the nitrous methane you see blowing out the side pipes on that dragster!  So before bed eat a low glycemic index food that will not spike your energy levels like that billion horsepower racecar.

Typically before bed I snack on unsweetened nuts, berries, and fresh vegetables.  It’s simple, tasty, healthy, and keeps my fuel tank full till morning.

Tip Three, Dream Mode Countdown!

Let go of the stress, worries, and other noisy brainwaves that hold our minds captivate throughout the day.  Literally clear your mind of all thought.  There are countless ways to do this.  Here are a few to get you started:

1.  Meditation silence the voice in your head.  You can do this by looking at an inanimate object while intensely relaxing and clearing your head of all thought.  Then shift focus to your body feeling every sensation from your toes to your ears.

2.  Music listen to clam soothing music.  It’s been shown that your heart rate will mimic the rhythm of music and as a result slow music can help you relax.  A couple songs that come to mind are Pachelbel’s Canon and Dvorak Going Home.

3.  Shower a warm soothing shower will help to relax your muscles before catching those zzz’s.  I would think a hot tub and or bath would work just as well.

Best Sleep Aid(s) for a Little Extra Kick in the Pants

Now if you’re still having difficulties after all of this you might like to try some additional sleeping aids such as hypoallergenic bedding which mitigates potential allergies, egg crates to adjust softness of your bed, and of course exercise.  Evening and morning walks are excellent for keeping healthy and getting some sunshine which synchronizes our body’s natural clock.

If sleep still comes with difficulty you might like to also try natural sleeping supplements.  These are fantastic for those you needing that extra kick yet are non-addicting.  They are designed to boost your supply of melatonin, a hormone regulated by the body’s natural clock which signals when it’s time for sleep.

Be careful though not all sleeping supplements are created equally, many actually have virtually no effect.  The better ones almost always come with a 100% money back guarantee and stand behind their product.  Once you find a good one you’ll know it almost immediately as you can feel the supplements effects within about 30 minutes of taking the tablet.

Now that I’ve given you all the sleeping help you can possibly get in three tips or less go forth and sleep like a rock, cut some logs, and or catch some ZZZZZ’s.

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