Healthy Grocery Shopping Tips to Survive the Battlefield


Foods today come in convenient prepackaged containers divided up into perfectly palatable instantly microwaveable  morsels.  Each bite designed to provide maximal dose of pleasure with the minimum of thought or effort on the eaters part.

Gut Gain Grocery Shopping

The biggest challenge we face with shopping for groceries are these processed foods.  Every street corner has a candy machine and grocery stores are jam packed with processed foods.

Unfortunately, when foods are processed two things happen.  First the foods nutritional value is reduced.  And second it’s absorption rate into our blood stream increased to speeds approaching ridiculous.

This rapid absorption spikes our blood sugar and signals the body to store fat!  It’s about like taking an hypodermic needle and shooting up with table sugar.  Ok, well not quite that bad but you get the point…

Cut the Gut with Scrumptious Whole Foods

Nature has all sorts of whole foods which are just as convenient, insanely delectable, and are much healthier.

A few such foods are fruits & berries, nuts, veggies, etc.  Additionally, meats such as steak, chicken legs, and other non-ground meats are fantastic as well.

On average these whole foods fail to spike our blood sugar like their processed counter parts.  Avoiding fat storage all together.

An added benefit is whole foods are oozing with vitamins and minerals necessary to maintaining a healthy body.

What Exactly are Whole Foods?

I define whole foods as any food that is as true to it’s original state as possible.  For instance, an orange would be a whole food but orange juice which has been processed into a drink would not be.

In my book, meats left on the bone and aren’t ground up are whole foods.  For instance steaks, or chicken legs are whole where as ground beef and hot dogs are not.

Plan for the Battlefield with a Healthy Shopping List

Whole foods are typically arranged on the perimeter of the grocery store.  So next time you go to the grocery avoid the center and walk around the outside to get everything you need from meets, to fruits and vegetables.

Here’s a couple more battlefield tactics for your next trip…

  • Always write a healthy grocery list before shopping.  Do not purchase anything off that list.
  • Never go to the grocery store hungry.  This will prevent you from caving into your vices and buying junk food.
  • And of course shop the perimeter of the store where the whole foods are found.  Avoid entering the center of the store as much as possible.

Final Words of Wisdom

Simply adding more Whole Foods foods to your diet will go a long ways towards improving your health.

Make sure to print out this post and or bookmark it as a reminder to take action next time you go grocery shopping.

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