Eat Protein to Burn Fat and Build Muscle


We are evolutionarily conditioned to crave carbohydrates. Carbohydrates used to be scarce and provided an edge in surviving a world where food was more scarce. Today, carbohydrates are readily available.   This abundance of carbohydrates creates an unhealthy scenario in which we neglect our protein intake.

Why is Protein so Important?

Protein is required to create, repair, and maintain cells.  It must be regularly eaten because it cannot be stored by the body.   When not enough protein is eaten our natural tendency is to satisfy the craving by eating carbohydrates.  Yet carbohydrates do not always contain necessary nutrients and a negative cycle is created.  Eating protein will help to break this negative cycle by providing nutrients the body is craving.  Here are a few benefits.

Weight Loss protein controls hunger allowing you to better regulate your eating.

Figure protein creates strong healthy muscles and a toned physic less prone to injury.

Energy protein maintains more consistent energy levels causing carbohydrate intake to be better managed.

Sleep protein keeps you nourished through the night when your body does a majority of its rejuvenation allowing you to sleep deeply.

Recovery protein rebuilds the body when injured or ill.

How Much Protein Should I Eat?

When I was body building I ate as much as 125% my body weight in grams of protein per day.  This amount varies.  I recommend talking to your nutritionist to get an exact value. For the time being make sure to eat a portion of protein at each meal.  It’s important to note that too much protein can overload your kidneys though so never eat over 40 grams of protein in a meal or sitting.  Listed below are several healthy sources of protein.

Lean Meats are very healthy when they come from a quality source.  Always eat USDA Organic meats.  Or ask your local butcher. You want naturally raised animals, grass fed, un-caged, etc.   Never eat genetically modified and or animals pumped full of antibiotics.

Lentils / Beans these are a high quality protein with added benefit of fiber.  Simply throw them in slow cooker with filter water, flavor with spices, and you can make hundreds of healthy dishes.

Eggs are one of the best protein sources you’ll find.   They absorb into your system better than meats, powders, nuts, and beans.  Make sure to purchase organic certified eggs. These chickens are not injected with any antibiotics, are healthier, and allowed to roam about.

Nuts those squirrels know best!  Nuts are an excellent source of protein.  Purchase the unsalted & unsweetened cashews, almonds, walnuts, etc.  They have loads of vitamins and really healthy protein source.  Perfect for snacking on and controlling hunger cravings.

Supplement Shakes using a blender, protein powder, fruits, nuts, and handful of other tasty organic ingredients.  It’s easy whip up a tasty shake.  This is especially helpful for those of you who are busy or need an easy way to boost protein intake.

Low Carb Protein Shake Recipe

Be careful, not all protein powders are created equally.  It’s important you research which powders you use.  The best way to do this is research the supplement’s quality policy.  If the sales person or company does not advertise any quality policy then move on to the next supplement.  Here are a few things to look for in a quality policy.

  • They must have high caliber 3rd party scientific backing with studies performed on the supplement in question.
  • Stringent production requirements such as adhering to FDA food or pharmaceutical grade requirements.
  • Perform 3rd party audits on supplement to ensure it is free of contaminates.

Signs of low quality protein powders:

  • Shakes taste bland.
  • Shakes never mix well (sign of garbage fillers in shake).
  • Shakes leave you feeling bloated, give you stomach cramps, diarrhea, etc. etc. etc.

High quality powders are an excellent investment.  They provide great benefit and leave you feeling nutritionally fulfilled.  Personally I use protein powder in conjunction with my recipe to replace ice cream in my diet!  Every night prior to bed I have one of these shakes as my evening snack.

Low Carb Protein Shake – Ingredients
2 Cups Organic Pure Almond Milk
2.5 servings (no more than 1 Cup) of Chocolate Protein Powder
1 Organic Banana
1/4 Cup Organic Peanut Butter
2 Cups Chopped Ice

Blend to a smooth consistency and serve!  This makes 3 servings.

We are evolutionarily conditioned to crave carbohydrates.  Carbohydrates used to be scarce and provided an edge in surviving a world where food was more scarce.  Today, carbohydrates are readily available.  This abundance of carbohydrates creates an unhealthy scenario in which we neglect our protein intake.

Protein is required to create, repair, and maintain cells.  It must be regularly eaten because it cannot be stored by the body.  When not enough protein is eaten our natural tendency is to satisfy the craving by eating carbohydrates.  Yet carbohydrates do not always contain necessary nutrients and a negative cycle is created.   Eating protein will help to break this negative cycle by providing nutrients the body is craving.  Here are a few benefits.

Weight Loss protein controls hunger allowing you to better regulate your eating.

Figure protein creates strong healthy muscles less prone to injury.

protein maintains more consistent energy levels causing carbohydrate intake to be better managed.

Sleep protein keeps you nourished through the night when your body does a majority of its rejuvenation allowing you to sleep deeply.

Recovery protein rebuilds the body when injured or ill.

When I was body building I ate as much as 125% my body weight in grams of protein per day.  This amount varies.  I recommend talking to your nutritionist to get an exact value.  For the time being make sure to eat a portion of protein at each meal. There are several easy ways to up your protein intake.

Lean Meats are very healthy when they come from a quality source.  Always eat USDA Organic meats.  Or ask your local butcher.  You want naturally raised animals, grass fed, un-caged, etc.  Never eat genetically modified and or animals pumped full of antibiotics.  You can never be too careful about what you’re putting in your body these days!

Lentils / Beans these are a high quality protein with added benefit of fiber.  They are easy to prepare (simply soak in boiling water), and you can make hundreds of different healthy dishes with them.  They are very cheap.  My staple diet is beans.  I make one of my favorite dishes, divvy it up into single serving containers, and freeze it.  It can be eaten for weeks on end and I only have to cook once!!  Plus the whole thing costs me only about $10!

Supplement Shakes using a blender, protein powder, some fruit, and handful of other tasty ingredients.  It’s easy whip up a tasty shake.  This is especially helpful for those of you who are busy or need an easy way to boost protein intake.  I prefer to purchase the flavorless soy and whey protein powders.  Added to my own flavoring such as fruits and nuts it is good and healthy.

Eggs eggs are one of the best protein sources you’ll find.  They absorb into your system better than meats, powders, nuts, and beans.  Make sure to purchase organic certified eggs.  These chickens are not injected with any antibiotics, are healthier, and allowed to roam about.  As with meats educate yourself on what you’re eating.  You can never be too careful!

Nuts those squirrels know best!  Nuts are an excellent source of protein.  Purchase the unsalted & unsweetened cashews, almonds, walnuts, etc.  They have loads of vitamins and really healthy protein source.  Perfect for snacking on and controlling hunger cravings.

4 thoughts on “Eat Protein to Burn Fat and Build Muscle

  1. Thanks for you kind comments! I appreciate knowing that I’m reaching you guys out there. I’ve had some excellent mentors over the years. They’ve shown me that keeping healthy and maintaining an excellent physic is not as difficult as you would think. It’s only as simple as adopting a set of healthy habits. I hope that what I write can stick with you and others to have the same successes I’ve enjoyed 🙂

  2. Your blog keeps getting better and better! Your older articles are not as good as newer ones you have a lot more creativity and originality now. Keep it up!
    And according to this article, I totally agree with your opinion, but only this time! 🙂

  3. Glad to hear you enjoy the content 🙂 I have been spending more time on the newer articles. It takes me a good two weeks to crank one out where as the originals I got a couple out a week. Soon to come will be a bean soup recipe!

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