Failed Muse #3 – My First Blog


You’re looking at what continues to be my least fruitful muse to date.  It’s called and was intended to teach people new, healthy habits.  There’s a whole slew of reasons why nobody converts on this website but I do have one confession to make.  It actually started as a way to simply help my friends loose weight.  But every attempt to mortise the site has been a tireless uphill battle.  Here why… Continue reading

Failed Muse #3 – Day Trading


I’ve always been interested in investing.  It has incredible power to either create ridiculous sums of wealth in very short time or mercilessly destroy lives well as whole countries in a matter of minutes.  This never ceased to amaze (or fear) me until now.  And this is where I took a hard lesson in my third failed muse. Continue reading

Failed Muse 2 – Rebuild TPMS


Shortly after attempting to make my first Muse, Instant Stretch, (click here to read about it) I had some issues with my new Corvette I’d bought.  This car has Tire Pressure Sensors in all the tires and mine were not working.  I researched the cost to replace them to realize they cost $250 each for a total of $1000.  What really struck me as odd is the only thing that was wrong with them was a $2 coin battery that simply looses it’s charge over time. Continue reading